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Dr Justyna Struzik

Dr Justyna Struzik

position: assistant professor


Justyna Struzik is an assistant professor at the Institute of Sociology at the Jagiellonian University. She devoted her doctoral thesis to queer mobilization in Poland. Her book Queer Solidarity was awarded as the best gender book by the Polish Gender Society in 2020. In 2021 Struzik received also the Stanislaw Ossowski Prize.

Currently, as part of the Crimscapes - Navigating Citizenship through European Landscapes of Criminalization project, she is looking at the criminalization of psychoactive substance use from the perspective of drug users and activists. She is particularly interested in grassroots mechanisms for navigating criminalization. She has experience in conducting research projects using qualitative and collaborative methods with NGOs. She co-led pioneering research on the situation of non-heterosexual women outside large cities (together with N. Sarata and E. Furgal).

She is actively involved in the Sociology of Gender Section and the Cracow Branch of the Polish Sociological Association. Her research interests oscillate around social movements, sociology of gender and sexuality, social inequalities and grassroots strategies for responding to them.

Scientific and research interests

  • social movements (feminist movements, queer movements)
  • HIV/AIDS and drug policies
  • inequalities and social justice


  • Struzik J. (2019). Solidarność queerowa. Mobilizacja, ramy i działania ruchy queerowych w Polsce, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.
  • Mizielińska J., Struzik J., Król A., Różnym głosem. Rodziny z wyboru w Polsce. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.

Edited monographs

  • Struzik, J., & Dziuban, A., eds. (2022). HIVstorie : żywe polityki HIV/AIDS w Polsce (p. 324). Zakład Wydawniczy NOMOS.
  • Slany, K., Struzik, J., Ślusarczyk, M., Kowalska, B., Warat, M., Krzaklewska, E., Ciaputa, E., Ratecka, A., & Król, A., eds. (2019). Utopie kobiet : 100 lat praw wyborczych kobiet (1918-2018) (p. 352). Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.
  • Ślusarczyk, M., Pustułka, P., & Struzik, J., eds. (2018). Contemporary migrant families : actors and issues (p. 231). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Slany, K., Struzik, J., & Wojnicka, K., eds. (2011). Gender w społeczeństwie polskim. Nomos.

Articles in journals

Chapters in reviewed monographs

  • Dziuban, A., Januschke, E., Klöppel, U., Sekuler, T., & Struzik, J. (2022). The European HIV/AIDS archive : building a queer counter-memory. In J. Weston & H. J. Elizabeth (Eds.), Histories of HIV/AIDS in Western Europe: new and regional perspectives (pp. 192–214). Manchester University Press.
  • Sekuła, P., Ciaputa, E., Struzik, J., & Krzaklewska, E. (2022). Gendered excellence in physics. In F. Jenkins, B. Hoenig, S. M. Weber, & A. Wolffram (Eds.), Inequalities and the paradigm of excellence in academia (pp. 209–227).
  • Struzik, J., & Dziuban, A. (2022). Epidemia HIV : oddolne mobilizacje i państwo : światy polityk HIV/AIDS w Polsce. In J. Struzik & A. Dziuban (Eds.), HIVstorie : żywe polityki HIV/AIDS w Polsce (pp. 11–31). Zakład Wydawniczy Nomos.
  • Dziuban, A., Sekuler, T., & Struzik, J. (2020). Żywa pamięć o aktywizmie HIV/AIDS w Europie. In Z. Nierodzińska & J. Zwierzyński (Eds.), Kreatywne stany chorobowe : AIDS, HIV, RAK = Creative sick states : AIDS, CANCER, HIV (pp. 263–288). Galeria Miejska Arsenał.
  • Struzik, J. (2020). Framing queer activism in Poland : from liberal values to solidarity. In R. Buyantueva & M. Shevtsova (Eds.), LGBTQ+ activism in Central and Eastern Europe : resistance, representation and identity (pp. 265–288). Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Bednarczyk, A., & Struzik, J. (2019). Gender a bezpieczeństwo: utopie o przyjaznym mieście. In K. Slany, J. Struzik, M. Ślusarczyk, B. Kowalska, M. Warat, E. Krzaklewska, E. Ciaputa, A. Ratecka, & A. Król (Eds.), Utopie kobiet : 100 lat praw wyborczych kobiet (1918-2018) (pp. 209–230). Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.
  • Slany, K., & Struzik, J. (2018). What can we learn from the research project “Doing Family in A Transnational Context” (TRANSFAM)? In K. Slany, M. Ślusarczyk, P. Pustułka, & E. Guribye (Eds.), Transnational Polish families in Norway : social capital, integration, institutions and care (pp. 297–305). Peter Lang.
  • Struzik, J., Bell, J., Pustułka, P., & Ślusarczyk, M. (2018). Handling ambivalence : transnational health practices and migrant evaluation of health services. In M. Ślusarczyk, P. Pustułka, & J. Struzik (Eds.), Contemporary migrant families : actors and issues (pp. 48–73). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Struzik, J., & Pustułka, P. (2017). Transgressing the “Luggage” metaphor : children and pets as migrants in the context of contemporary international mobility from Poland to Norway. In A. Feuerstein & C. Nolte-Odhiambo (Eds.), Childhood and pethood in literature and culture : new perspectives in childhood studies and animal studies (pp. 37–53). Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.

Currently implemented projects

  • Crimscapes - Navigating Citizenship through European Landscapes of Criminalisation - funded by NORFACE
  • PrEcIOUS - Promoting pluralistic education in European universities to combat invisible discrimination related to LGBTQ+ - funded by Erasmus+.

Completed projects

  • Children Hybrid Integration: Learning Dialogue as a way of Upgrading Policies of Participation (CHILD-UP) funded by Horizon 2020
  • Disentangling European HIV/AIDS Policies: Activism, Citizenship and Health EUROPACH, 9/2016-9/2019; research project funded by the HERA- Humanities in the European Research Area Network,
  • Gender Equality Network in the European Research Area GENERA, 9/2016-9/2018, research project funded by the European Commission,
  • Doing family in transnational context. Demographic choices, welfare adaptations, school integration and every-day life of Polish families living in Polish-Norwegian transnationality, funded by Norwegian Grants under the Polish-Norwegian Research Cooperation program and led by Prof. Krystyna Slany, 2013-2016;
  • Civil Society in Poland 3/2017-7/2017, project funded by Open Society Institute for Europe, project carried out by research group: Magdalena Gryszko, Krzysztof Śmiszek, Marta Rawłuszko and Justyna Struzik;
  • A village without prejudice, 2015-2016, research project implemented by the Women's Space Foundation and funded by Norwegian Grants;
  • From beyond the center you can see more, 2014-2015, project implemented by the Women's Space Foundation and funded by Norwegian Grants;
  • Invisible (to) Communities. The social situation of lesbian and bisexual women living in rural areas and small towns in Poland, 2012-2013, research project implemented by the Women's Space Foundation and funded by the Stefan Batory Foundation under the Democracy in Action program.

Other activities

  • Currently Chair of the Board of the Krakow Branch of the Polish Sociological Association and member of the Board of the Gender Sociology Section of the Polish Sociological Association.
  • 2022 ECREA GSC Section Podcast with Justyna Struzik and Anna Ratecka
  • 2021 #CriticalPoint, 30.09.2021, Violence. Power. Power. From feudalism to millenials.
  • 2021 Struzik. J. Dense times of paranoia, afterword to the book Homosexual Desire by Guy Hocquenghem, translated by Piotr Skalski. Kraków: Ostrogi.
  • 2020. Chetaille, A., Chmurski, M., Safuta, A., & Struzik, J. Violences d’État contre les LGBT en Pologne : quelles solidarités internationales pour quels effets? In Mediapart
  • 2020. HIVstorie : żywe polityki (Z. Çetin, A. Dziuban, F. Friederike, E. J. Nicholls, N. Oertel, T. Sekuler, J. Struzik, & A. Turan, Eds.; p. 53). Instytut Socjologii UJ
  • 2019. Dziuban, A., Struzik, J., Cetin, Z., Faust, F., Nicholls, E. J., Oertel, N., Sekuler, T., & Turan, A. (2019). HIVstories : living politics (p. 30). Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin.
  • 2019. Krzaklewska, E., Sekuła, P., Struzik, J., & Ciaputa, E. Działania na rzecz równości płci w nauce: determinanty nierówności i narzędzia zmiany. Alma Mater, 208-209, 60–62.
  • 2017. Furgał, E., Sarata, N., & Struzik, J. “Nikt nie chce być w sferze nieistnienia” : lesbijki, wieś i Kościół. Znak, 9 (748), 18–25.
  • 2017. Sekuła, P., Struzik, J., & Ciaputa, E. GENERA: czyli równość płci w fizyce. Alma Mater, 197, 89–90.