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Szkoła letnia "Gender Equality and Quality of Life"

Zapraszamy do udziału w szkole letniej "Gender Equality and Quality of Life. Policy-making in times of new gender regimes", którą organizuje Instytut Socjologii UJ w ramach projektu "Równość płci a jakość życia – rola równości płci w rozwoju w Europie na przykładzie Polski i Norwegii". Szkoła letnia odbędzie się w dniach 30 sierpnia - 4 września 2015. Aplikacje można składać do 31 kwietnia 2015. Szczegółowe informacje znajdują się poniżej oraz na stronie projektu www.geq.socjologia.uj.edu.pl/summer-school.

Summer school

Gender Equality and Quality of Life. Policy-making in times of new gender regimes

Institute of Sociology at the Jagiellonian University calls for application for International Summer School titled: Gender Equality and Quality of Life.Policy-making in times of new gender regimes which will take place on 30.08-04.09.2015 in Krakow, Poland.

The summer school focuses on exploring the relations between gender equality and quality of life. Studies of gender equality impact on quality of life are not conclusive – we cannot assume linear and unidirectional relation between gender equality and quality of life. This relation is shaped by cultural and institutional context in each country and the individual strategies adopted by the citizens. During this summer school we will try to explore the relation between as well as develop a policy recommendation and policy toolkits for policy-makers, both in Poland and Norway.

The summer school consists of lectures, roundtables and workshops, which will introduce intersectional perspective on gender equality and quality of life. It will provide current research and debates as a basis for challenging discussion related to the following topics:

- Gender regimes and economic constraints of neoliberalism Gendered Violence
- Men and gender equality
- Women's movement and activism
- Inequalities, intersectionality and quality of life

​​The participants will explore various dimensions of gender equality in different context, discuss case studies related to each area and learn how to develop tools for critical assessment of gender equality policies.​ ​

Deadline for applications: 30 April 2015​​

Detailed programme of​ ​Summer​ ​School​ ​and other information are​ ​available on a website: www.geq.socjologia.uj.edu.pl/summer-school

Published Date: 19.03.2015
Published by: Anna Szwed